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Denial of Service Protection

What’s a Denial of Service attack?

A Denial-of-Service (DoS) attack is an attack meant to prevent the provision of a given service. A very complete explanation of the subject is available in wikipedia but there are a very few concepts that are important to have in mind.

Types of DoS attacks

Lets start by saying that there are two main kind of DoS attack that a centralized coordinator should try to mitigate:

(Distributed) Denial of Service Attacks (@ Transport Layer)

This is by far the most common type of attack and consists on a flooding the target with traffic. Given it is generally speaking a transport layer attack, it is generic attack that can be performed using general-use tools.

It is also a cheap attack that is provided as a service by criminal groups who control botnets. That means that anyone can pay for attacking any server and it doesn’t require to have any kind of knowledge.

Its generic nature allows the system adminitrator to mitigate it using generic infrastructure meassures like a firewall.

Specialized Denial of Service Attacks (@ Application Layer)

This is the kind of attack that can be performed only by those who understand how the system works and are motivated to invest time and knowledge to design an attack for disrupting one specific target. It can be achieved by reviewing the code and find programming errors or simply by understanding the dynamics of the system.

By its specialized nature it requires the application to be designed with attacks in mind and to implement counter-meassures that can mitigate the impact of such attacks. This is the type of attack that we want to discuss here.

How to attack Wasabi

It is necessary to understand how Wasabi can be attacked in order to implement the prevention mechanism; otherwise how could we possible know what to design for?

Do not sign

The most obvious attack consists registering a coin for participating in a coinjoin but refuse to sign the coinjoin transaction. This can be repeated as many times as coins you have, in fact, each coin can be used to attack twice.

This attack is the simplest one because it doesn’t require any real technical/programming knowledge, or at least not at senior level. It is also an attack for free because it doesn’t affect the attacker balance at all.

The good news is that Wasabi 2 is not specially vulnerable to this naïve attack because:

Spend the participating coin

Another trivial attack is simply to register a coin for participating in a coinjoin but spending it before the coordination process finishes. In this case it is possible to disrupt a round but at least it is not for free, given the attacker has to pay the network fee.

Before continuing let me say that Wasabi 2 allows users to spend the registered coin without needing to unregister them first because in case the coordinator detects one participating coin has been spent, it simple removes that coin from the round except in the case of being in the critical phase (signing). This improves the reliability of the rounds by shortening the window of time that can be used to disrupt the round.

It is still possible to spend the coin in two critical moments:

Spend during signing phase

Once the client is notified the round phased changed to signing phase it can sign the coinjoin transaction and the spend coin. In fact, in order to maximize the effectiveness of the attack the attacker client can wait until enough peers have signed before executing spending: otherwise it could happen that she self spends her participating coin but someone else failed to sign and then she would have paid to disrupt a round that would have never happened anyway. Note that in this case it will not disrupt the blame round neither because it will be removed from the whitelist as soon the coordinator input registration.

Spend after transaction broadcasted

The attacker can sign the coinjoin transaction and perform high-frequency requests to the wabisabi’s status endpoint to see when all the required signatures have been provided and when that happens (the coinjoin transaction is completed/can be broadcasted) the attacker that previously connected to a big number of bitcoins nodes in the network can broadcast a transaction that spends the participating coin.

In this case, as well as in the previous one, it is the bitcoin network the one that will reject the broadcasted coinjoin transaction.

Partial conclusion

Spending the participating coin is a simple and effective DoS attack against Wasabi that is even in its basic form quite cheap in terms of the amount of bitcoins required to perform it (5000 sats).

As any specialized attack, it can be cheap in terms of the amount of bitcoins required but expensive in terms of the effort/knowledge the attacker must invest and the opportunity cost that that represent. This is IMO the reason why we have never seen an attack of this kind.

What other are doing

This kind of attacks affect most multiparty transactions and specially lightning (see: Playing with full-rbf peers for fun and L2s security) There have been many discussion about supporting full-rbf a-la Bitcoin Knots so, the transaction that is minded is simply the one that pays more. That would allow coordinators to compete against attackers by fee or inflict them a greater economic damage.

How to protect Wasabi

Banning offening coins

The general approach to prevent future disruptions by the same actor is by banning the coin used in the attack. Of course it is important to be able to identify which coin was used, that’s the first thing to do:

Type Is it a clear attack? Is being detected? Can be detected? How?
Spent during non-critical p. No. It’s Ok. Yes. No problem
Did not sign No. But keep an eye on it Yes
Spent during critical phase It seems so, yes. No Yes, check again against the node (mempool)
Spent after tx broadcasted Yes No Yes, listen for txs double spending cj inputs

As we can see there are two attack vectors we are not even detecting!

To ban the offender

In case of detecting an attack (or a misbehaving coin), depending on the type of conduct it is involved (see table above) we
have to ban it in order to prevent that coin from continue participating in next rounds.

In some cases like those in which the coin failed to sign it could convenient to ban the coin but give an opportunity to its descendants.

To ban the offender and all its descendants

However, in other cases it could worth to consider banning n future generations so, even if an attacker self spends the offending coin to continue attacking the rounds, those new coins will be already considered invalid to participate.

This mechanism requires to check all future transaction and see if at least one banned coin is being spent by it and in case that’s the case then ban all the outputs of that transaction (this is how Wasabi 1 works)

How long to ban

The severity of the penalty should take into account the type of infringement, the reinsidence and the amount involved. One possible alternative would be to introduce a penalty unit: btc/hr. For example, imagine we stabish the standard severity as 10btc/hrs so, if the offending coin is 1btc then it should be banned for 10hrs, if the offending coin is 5btc then it should be banned for 2hrs. A 5000 sats coin used in an attach should be banned for 200,000hrs (forever). These are just examples, the real severity can be adjusted.


According to what we have just seen there are two specific points where an attack should be monitored:

void OnTransactionArrivedFromP2PNetwork(Transaction tx)
   var disruptedRounds = ActiveRounds
           .SelectMany(r => r.Alices.Select(a => (Round:r, Alice:a))
           .Where(x => tx,Inputs.Contains(x.Alice.Coin.Outpoint)))
           .GroupBy(x => x.Round);
   foreach(var (round, offenders) in disruptedRounds)
      round.Disrupted(by: offenders);

Alternatively it could be checked in a less efficient way immediately before broadcasting the coinjoin transaction as it is done before switching phases:

var offendingTxo = CheckTxoSpendStatusAsync(round);
if (offendingTxo.Any())

// Broadcasting.

This could sound redundant but as discussed in Spend after transaction broadcasted, the attack consists precisely on making part of the network to know about one transaction while other part of the network knows the coinjoin transaction. That means that our node, after it accepted our coinjoin transaction, will reject the attacker transaction as a double-spending attempt and then the coordinator will never know about it.

By inspecting the inputs spent in the confirmed transactions we can detect the existence of one ongoing attack and ban all the descendants of the attaching coin.

void OnBlockArrivedFromP2PNetwork(Block block)
   var allInputsInBlock =  block.Transactions.SelectMany(t => t.Inputs).ToHashSet();

   var disruptedCoinjoins = UnConfirmedCoinJoinTransactions
           .SelectMany(cj => cj.Inputs.Select(i => (Tx:cj, Input:i))
           .Where(x => allInputsInBlock.Contains(x.Input)))
           .GroupBy(x => x.Tx);
   foreach(var (cj, offendingInputs) in disruptedCoinjoins)
      // remove cj from unconfirmedCoinjoins list because it will never confirm.

Replacing transactions as defensive mechanism

It is not so rare to see in the logs that some successfully built coinjoin transaction failed to broadcast because a double spend, the message looks like this:

WARNING   Arena.StepTransactionSigningPhaseAsync Transaction broadcasting failed: 'NBitcoin.RPC.RPCException: insufficient fee, rejecting replacement 2003ef7352e01e67f77810007e1041951785a98c6fd8cf9d7d92f29316ed6552; new feerate 0.00002802 BTC/kvB <= old feerate 0.00020000 BTC/kvB

This indicates that some participant spent at least one participating coin using a RBF transaction during signing phase. We know the transaction was RBF because the bitcoin node rejects the “replacement”. So, the most probably explanation is that the user spent the coin/s using Wasabi because all Wasabi’s transactions are RBF by default. Even if this doesn’t look like an attack, it disrupted the round and created throubles for other participants, what means that it should be treated as an attack.

The mechanism of replacing offending transaction

In this scenario it could be possible to replace the replaceable transaction with a coinjoin transaction that pays more mining fee and less coordination fee. Doing that is possible by creating alternative versions of the coinjoin transaction, something that the clients can do if they know the coordinator’s output, I mean, the clients can build and sign lets say three versions of the coinjoin as follow:

During signing face each client builds these alternative transactions, signs them, and sends not one but three signatures for each alice. The server then can create the exact same three versions and try to broadcast conveniently.

Regardles of whether the coordinator success on this or not, the offending coin/s and all its descendants must be banned, otherwise it could provide a vector to harm the coordination incomes for free.

The ethic of replacing users’ transactions

Currently all what is detailed above is possible because the user opted-in RBF, and because it seems to be a bug on the client that ignores the fact that the coin is participating in a coinjoin and is in critical phase so, these are not attacks, what makes it unethical to replace the transaction. However, after the client is fixed (to be aware the coin is participating in a coinjoin in critical phase) this could be different.

Also, as I mentioned before, this same mechanism will be possible for disuading attacks once full RBF became a real thing.

Replacing Wasabi’s coinjoin transactions

Full RBF would allow Wasabi to fight against DoS attacks but it would also enable attackers to harm Wasabi’s imcones by broadcasting transactions that replace Wasabi’s coinjoin transaction, forcing Wasabi to detect and broadcast a less profitable version of the coinjoin.