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CoinJoin Anonymity Analysis

Introduction to the concepts multiparty transactions for anonymity


CoinJoin is a technique for combining multiple Bitcoin transactions into a single one to make it more difficult for blockchain analyzers to determine which the original transactions are.

In this document we want to keep a record of our attempts to create a general approach for analyzing the pros and cons of the different mixing algorithms.


Let’s say we have these two transactions:

Transaction #1 Transaction #2
Inputs Outputs
\(i = 25\) \(o = 49\)
\(i = 31\) \(o = 7\)
Inputs Outputs
\(i = 18\) \(o = 21\)
\(i = 13\) \(o = 10\)

They can be combined in one transaction as follow:

Combined Transaction
Inputs Outputs
\(i = 25\) \(o = 49\)
\(i = 31\) \(o = 7\)
\(i = 18\) \(o = 21\)
\(i = 13\) \(o = 10\)
Figure 1


We are going to focus specifically on blockchain analysis where the analysts goal is attach identities to coins (outputs) and tracking them using two well-known heuristics:

These heuristics cannot be applied to CoinJoin transactions but only to single payment transactions instead. For that reason the analysts have to unjoin the coinjoined transactions with the hope of finding the original payment transactions to apply the heuristics individually.
Side note: H1 is clearly a more robust assumption than H2.

Unjoining coinjoined transactions

Let’s take the coinjoin transaction in figure 1. That transaction can be interpreted in many different ways but, just for simplicity, lets assume that we know this is a coinjoin transaction between two participants (this is not obvious) and that each transaction has no more than two outputs. This is enough for extracting the original transactions by grouping the outputs, the inputs and then match the sum of both sets:


# OutputSet Sum(OSet) # OutputSet Sum(OSet)
0 {49} 49 5 {49, 21} 70
1 {7} 7 6 {49, 10} 59
2 {21} 21 7 {7, 21} 28
3 {10} 10 8 {7, 10} 17
4 {49, 7} 56 9 {21, 10} 31


# InputSet Sum(ISet) # InputSet Sum(ISet)
0 {25} 25 7 {31, 18} 49
1 {31} 31 8 {31, 13} 44
2 {18} 18 9 {18, 13} 31
3 {13} 13 10 {25, 31, 18} 74
4 {25, 31} 56 11 {25, 31, 13} 69
5 {25, 18} 43 12 {25, 18, 13} 56
6 {25, 13} 38 13 {31, 18, 13} 62

Before continuing with the example, it worth to note that given the coinjoin transaction has 4 inputs and that we know there are two sub-transaction then, the maximum number of inputs a sub-transaction can have is 3. These 3 inputs can be combined in 14 different ways. The number of ways a set with of \(n\) elements can be partitioned into disjoint subsets is called ‘Bell number’ and it grows rapidly as the value of \(n\) increases.
Having built this table it is possible now to extract all the possible transactions. In this case we have 4 sub-transactions (#1, #2, #3 and #4)

Valid Transactions Set #1
Transaction #1 Transaction #2
Inputs Outputs
\(i = 25\) \(o = 49\)
\(i = 31\) \(o = 7\)
Inputs Outputs
\(i = 18\) \(o = 21\)
\(i = 13\) \(o = 10\)
Valid Transactions Set #2
Transaction #3 Transaction #4
Inputs Outputs
\(i = 25\) \(o = 49\)
\(i = 18\) \(o = 7\)
\(i = 13\)
Inputs Outputs
\(i = 31\) \(o = 21\)
\(o = 10\)

Also, we can see that if well all of these look perfectly valid, there are only two valid sets of transactions that could result in the original coinjoined transaction and in the image above we had wrapped them together in the Valid Transactions Set tables. They are

Clearly, other combinations are invalid because same inputs appears in more than one sub-transaction.
It is important to note that in this really simple example an analyzer has only 0.5 probability of choosing the right original sub-transactions set. In practice this does not use to happen but the good part is that we can make it happen simply by choosing the outputs values (that’s what knapsack1 and traditional coinjoins do).
Finally, it worth to have in mind that if well for the sake of simplicity we said that we already knew the transaction had two participants, this information is not available in advance in a real-world transaction. The only thing we know is that given the transaction has four inputs, there are at least one participant and at most four.


However the analysis effectiveness can be greatly improved, at the point to completely solve the puzzle, by adding more information to the process. By observing the sets of valid transactions we can see that outputs \(\{o=49, o=7\}\) and \(\{o=21, o=10\}\) are always together, that is known as the output-to-output link and means that both are part of the same sub transaction.

In the same way it is evident that the set \(\{\{i=25\}, \{o=49, o=7\}\}\) is always present, what is known as input-to-output link and tells us that those are part of the same sub transaction too.

Finally, there exists the input-to-input links that reveal two or more inputs belong to the same sub transaction. Unfortunatelly there is none in the previous example.

Math of combinations

Given n inputs, the number of all possible subsets of at most k elements is \[\sum_{1<k<n}\binom{n}{k} = \sum_{1<k<n}\frac{n!}{k!\left (n - k \right )!}\] This can be rapidly calculated by using Pascal Triangle and summing the elements of nth row from index 1 to k. For example, in our example we have 4 inputs and we analyzed 14 subsets of at most 3 elements, we can verify that 4 + 6 + 4.

\(n=0\) 1 1
\(n=1\) 1 1 2
\(n=2\) 1 2 1 4
\(n=3\) 1 3 3 1 8
\(n=4\) 1 4 6 4 1 16
\(n=5\) 1 5 10 10 5 1 32
\(n=6\) 1 6 15 20 15 6 1 64
\(n=7\) 1 7 21 35 35 21 7 1 128

In the same way, and using the same example, we can check that given the 4 outputs (\(n\)), the number of subsets of at most \(2 (k)\) outputs can be calculated by summing the elements of the 4th row from index 1 to 2, this is: 4 + 6.
Lets call n to the number of all possible subsets of inputs and m to the number of all possible subsets of outputs, the number of comparison to perform is \(n*m\). A more simple formula that will be useful is \(2^{n+m}\)

Equal-output coinjoin comparison

Lets say two people want to coinjoin together to obtain coins of the exact same value (for this example lets say 10). Both provide their transactions:

Transaction #1 Transaction #2
Inputs Outputs
\(i = 9\) \(o = 10\)
\(i = 8\) \(o_c = 7\)
Inputs Outputs
\(i = 6\) \(o = 10\)
\(i = 5\) \(o_c = 1\)

After join them, they get the following:

CoinJoin Transaction
Inputs Outputs
\(i = 8\) \(o_1 = 10\)
\(i = 9\) \(o_2 = 10\)
\(i = 6\) \(o_c = 7\)
\(i = 5\) \(o_c = 1\)

This coinjoin transaction can be analyzed in the exact same way that we did before but in this case we don’t need any of the previous assumptions because, unlike the naive coinjoin transaction we used initially, this transaction has a clear pattern and it is easy to know the number of participants involved simply by counting the number of indistinguishable outputs. Also, the change outputs are clearly identifiable. Finally, extracting the possible sub-transactions is trivial and doesn’t require building big tables as before. Just take a change value, add it 10 and look what inputs sum gives us that result.

Valid Transactions Set #1
Transaction #1 Transaction #2
Inputs Outputs
\(i = 9\) \(o_1 = 10\)
\(i = 8\) \(o_c = 7\)
Inputs Outputs
\(i = 6\) \(o_2 = 10\)
\(i = 5\) \(o_c = 1\)
Valid Transactions Set #2
Transaction #3 Transaction #4
Inputs Outputs
\(i = 9\) \(o_2 = 10\)
\(i = 8\) \(o_c = 7\)
Inputs Outputs
\(i = 6\) \(o_2 = 10\)
\(i = 5\) \(o_c = 1\)

We can see in this example that the equal-outputs coinjoin transaction provides 0.5 probability to track the "anonymized" coin.

Complex example

Lets see the transaction X below and see what can we learn from it. At first glance it consists of six inputs and eight where 5.39986 units in and the same units out (no fees were paid). Assuming no addresses are reused and same script types, there is nothing else we can conclude.

CoinJoin Transaction
Inputs Outputs
i = 1.88841 o = 1.89031
i = 1.79381 o = 1.81421
i = 0.95031 o = 0.92801
i = 1.52261 o = 0.66050
i = 1.39181 o = 0.96651
i = 1.21961 o = 1.11521
i = 0.68991 o = 1.81781
o = 0.26391

It is not obvious if it is a coinjoin transaction or a pay to many batch transaction. Assuming it is a coinjoin, we know there are no more than seven participants so, lets analyze the number of subsets we can split it using the formula used above and calling the number of inputs \(n\) and the number of outputs \(m\):

\[\sum_{1<k_i<n}\binom{n}{k_i} * \sum_{1<k_o<m}\binom{m}{k_o} = 126 * 254 = 32,004\]

The partitions analysis found 45 valid sub transactions2. Moreover, another interesting result is the number of participation of each input/output in those extracted transactions:

Input participation Output participation
1.52261 31 1.89031 31
1.21961 31 1.81421 33
1.39181 33 0.92801 33
0.68991 33 0.66050 29
1.88841 31 0.96651 31
1.79381 31 1.11521 31
0.95031 31 1.81781 31
0.26391 31

Even when there is no much that we can conclude from this, intuitively we can say that this level of ambiguity is highly unusual. After all, what are the chances that almost every input and every output participate in \(70\%\) of the 45 sub-transactions? In fact, the existence of such a number of transactions is also unusual (intuitively again).

